
Reasonable selection of fans is very important for infrared heating

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For the process of heating and drying moisture, we must use fans, such as grain drying, water-based paint drying, etc. We use fans to form a gas cycle to take away the moisture evaporated from drying, which can achieve the purpose of heating and drying faster.

For other heating, we use fans for two main purposes. One is cooling, the other is air circulation.

The cooling is mainly divided into the overall cooling of sheet metal. The most important thing is the internal reflector cooling. The overall cooling of sheet metal. The shell temperature will basically be maintained at about 50 degrees to avoid scalding accidents. On the one hand, the reflector cooling can prevent the mirror layer from yellowing and blackening at high temperature, reduce the reflectivity, and on the other hand, it can also cool the tube wall through the mesh on the reflector, On the one hand, tube wall cooling can extend the service life of the tube in high temperature environment to a certain extent, and on the other hand, it can cool the coating of the coated tube, prevent the coating from overheating, peeling and cracking, and reduce the infrared radiation efficiency.


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