
Shortwave halogen infrared heat lamp

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The shortwave halogen tungsten wire infrared electric heating tube uses tungsten wire as the heating substrate, quartz glass as the insulating shell, and the cavity is filled with halogen protective gas. During the electric heating process, it will emit shortwave infrared heat of 0.76-2 μm.

1. The electrical performance, electric heating power are stable, and the temperature rises quickly.

2. The electrical performance and electric heating power are stable, and the temperature rises quickly.

3. Shortwave infrared, strong penetrating ability
The light emitted by the halogen electric heating tube is mainly visible light and near-infrared light, in which more than 80% of the wavelengths are concentrated in the range of 0.75μm~2μm, and the maximum penetration depth is 5-8mm.

4. Rapid heating, minimal thermal inertia
After energizing, it can reach 50% of the rated power in 0.8 seconds, 80% of the rated power in about 1 second, and run at full power in about 2 seconds. The temperature rise and fall are rapid and accurate.

5. Easy to control
Utilizing the fast reaction time and high-quality quartz tube with very small thermal inertia, the heating process can be quickly and accurately controlled, and the heating process (module) can be 0-100% power output.


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