
The working temperature range of infrared heating tubes

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Infrared heating lamp is a heating device that uses electric heating to convert electrical energy into infrared radiation energy.

The working temperature range of infrared heating tubes is related to multiple factors such as tube material, tube diameter, and current density. Generally speaking, the working temperature range of infrared heating tubes is between 500 ℃ and 1500 ℃.

1. Pipe material

Different tube materials have different effects on the working temperature of heating tubes. Common pipe materials include iron chromium aluminum alloy, chromium aluminum alloy, silicon carbide, etc. Under the same working conditions, the working temperature range of silicon carbide materials is the highest, reaching over 1500 ℃; The working temperature range of iron chromium aluminum alloy is relatively low, generally around 600 ℃ to 800 ℃.

2. Pipe diameter

The diameter of the heating tube has a significant impact on the current density distribution of the heating tube. At the same power, the larger the diameter of the heating tube, the lower the current density and the relatively lower the operating temperature range. Conversely, the smaller the diameter, the higher the current density, and the higher the operating temperature range.

3. Current density

Current density is also an important factor affecting the working temperature range of infrared heating tubes. Generally speaking, the higher the current density, the higher the operating temperature range of the heating tube. However, excessive current density can also burn out the heating tube, so when selecting current density, adjustments need to be made according to specific circumstances.



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