
Quartz infrared heating tube structure and advantages

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  Quartz infrared heating tube refers to a series of tubular lamps with different sizes, powers and shapes that can emit an infrared spectrum of 0.75~3μm. 


  It is usually composed of a tubular quartz glass tube with a built-in spiral filament. The filament is supported by an annular support ring and is isolated from the inner wall of the glass tube to prevent damage to the tube wall caused by the high temperature of the filament in the working state. Commonly used lamp caps include square ceramic caps, metal sheet caps, and small ceramic cylindrical caps.

  Part of the outer wall of the lamp tube is also sprayed with a directional ceramic reflective coating that can reflect infrared energy to further improve the heating efficiency of the lamp tube. In order to realize the infrared spectrum of 0.75~3μm, the filament temperature usually needs to be above 2000℃. Therefore, in addition to filling the tube with inert gas to protect the filament from being oxidized at high temperatures, it also needs to be filled with an appropriate amount of tungsten halogen circulating gas. The tungsten halogen circulating gas can combine with the tungsten atoms evaporated from the filament at a high temperature, and at the same time release the combined tungsten atoms back to the filament at the hot spot of the filament, so as to further extend the life of the filament. 


  Infrared tube is a way of radiation (Radiation) to directly transfer energy to the heated object, so the heating speed is fast, the thermal efficiency is high, and there will be no polluting substances, it is a very clean and environmentally friendly heating method. At the same time, because the thermal inertia of the filament is small, it is convenient to realize fast and accurate temperature control.


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